Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Peter Pan's Fashion Pages

This is so gay.

I found this site when I was browsing this afternoon. It really suprised me to see there is, apparently, somebody (more like a guy) out there who is really into Peter Pan. Not just the character himself - it's more like his outfit/costume.

He even has the photo collection which is called "The Ever Growing Peter Pan Photo Collection." Here are some of the photos:

Damn man..I had never seen a guy who's so into Peter Pan before. This guy is like obsessed with Peter Pan. Well..More like obsessed with Peter Pan's outfit. He even created a similar outfit in different fabrics and colors (black & burgundy, baby blue, and navy blue).

At first, I thought the whole thing was definitely so gay; but the more I browsed deeper into his Website, I'd say "creepy" is the right word to describe him.

OK..I think I got to the point where I have to stop putting his pictures on my blog and just allow you to check his photos directly on his Website. Looking at these pics is really starting to creep me out a bit.

Click here to go to the actual Website.

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