Friday, February 06, 2009

You did WHAT?

Recently I was chatting with my friend - let's just call her madchick - about the most disgusting thing that we have ever done. In my case, it took place a month ago when I clogged up the sink pipe in the bathroom. How? Well that's because I was stupidly enough to stand by the sink when giving myself a haircut. Of course as you can guess, those hair pieces were falling down the sink and successfully clogged up the freakin' pipe.

Well how was it digusting? Heh, yeah so my roommate decided to pull a MacGyver. Having no fancy plumbing tools and zero plumbing experience, he decided to use hmm..(Well something which you're about to find out later) get the hair out of the pipe. We then took turns to do it which in the end, we finally got most hair out of the pipe. But the whole experience itself has turned into a nightmare for me and I'm still haunted by it everytime I look at the sink.

Anyhow, the next day I was talking to madchick about it, and she told me that what I did was nothing compared to what she did.

madchick: i went through some crazy shit myself few years ago
Haceem: oh yeah like what
madchick: so i am sure his is nothing
madchick: its too gross to even tell
Haceem: tell me
Haceem: then i'll tell you
madchick: lol
madchick: ok so this was like years ago
Haceem: right
madchick: i was at my cousin's vising to DC
madchick: i was living in NJ at rge time
Haceem: k
madchick: so i took a shit
madchick: and the flush wont work
madchick: i tried to fix it
Haceem: ohh
madchick: but it wont do anything
madchick: i was too embarrassed to tell my cuzins
Haceem: don't tell me you grabbed it using toilet paper?
madchick: so i took the shit out
madchick: lol
madchick: yes
Haceem: aw shit
madchick: so gross
Haceem: OUCH
madchick: the nastiest thing ever
Haceem: with what???
Haceem: your bare hands?
madchick: with bounty
madchick: NO dude
madchick: bounty paper
Haceem: and what did you do with it?
madchick: i finished the whole dam thing
madchick: threw it in the trash can
madchick: lol
Haceem: aw shittt are u serious?
Haceem: that trash can must've smelled awful
Haceem: did anyone notice?
Haceem: the smell?
madchick: ok so
madchick: i went to the kitchen
madchick: pretending to throw somethin in the garbage
madchick: and it was thankfully full
Haceem: aw that's just nasty!!
madchick: i was like to my cuz ..hey let me throw the trash out
Haceem: damn
madchick: i think the one in the bathroom is also full
madchick: where do i throw i tout
madchick: lol
madchick: so once i figured it out
madchick: i threw it all out
madchick: but it was pretty gross
Haceem: aw shitt hell yeah it's gross!!!
Haceem: awwww
Haceem: damnit
Haceem: why did you have to tell me this?!
madchick: u asked for it
madchick: now its ur turn
madchick: cant be bad as my experience
Haceem: i think i'm beginning to have all these visions..
madchick: lol
Haceem: taking a crap and pick it up one by one with a paper towel
madchick: yeha it was pretty traumatic
Haceem: i bet
Haceem: hahahhahaha
Haceem: how did it feel though?
Haceem: was it very....cushy?
Haceem: hahahhahahaha
Haceem: or hard as a rock?
Haceem: if it was hard, that means you need to eat a lot of bananas and spinach
madchick: lol
madchick: ok
madchick: i dont want to think abt it
madchick: its gross
Haceem: damnit
Haceem: that's just gross
Haceem: hahahaha
Haceem: well thanks for sharing :-)
madchick: so what did u use
Haceem: hahahhaa
Haceem: he used the plunger
Haceem: for the freaking sink
Haceem: i was like you used what?!
madchick: lol
madchick: oh god
madchick: i knew it
Haceem: he said yeah i had to use it..good thing i got most of the hair out
Haceem: so now it's ur turn
madchick: remind me never to use ur sink if i ever get invited to ur place
Haceem: i said, well i ain't touch that thing...especially using it to fix the freakin sink. i'm gonna call the maintenance guy
Haceem: hahahah shut upp
Haceem: he just laughed
madchick: lol unless u get the sink replaced
Haceem: so i called up the maintenance guy....i got the voice mail saying that they don't work on weekends
Haceem: and i was gonna get some tools from home depot...but somehow i know i'm going to mess up something because i'm just not really good at fixing anything
Haceem: hahahhahaha
Haceem: so i was like, fuck it..i'll use the damn thing...
madchick: yes i can tell from ur hair
madchick: lol
Haceem: hahaha whatever
madchick: how good u are "at fixing" things
Haceem: hey i know i'm good with my hands. but when it comes to fixing househould stuff, not really good at it
Haceem: hahahahhahaha
Haceem: :-D
madchick: lol
madchick: god iw as just abt toforget that nightmare
Haceem: i guess..
Haceem: ..i'll have to remind myself not to shake your hands
Haceem: or maybe touch it
madchick: lol
madchick: trust me
Haceem: oh man
madchick: i wanted to wash my hands with acid
madchick: lol i figured id die
madchick: so i finished thefreaking anti bacterial soap
Haceem: i'd rather embarass myself than touching my own crap..seriously
madchick: i was in the bathroom for an hour
madchick: doing all this
Haceem: you didn't even take a shower?
madchick: my cousins were watching a movie
madchick: they were like dam where the hell did she go
madchick: i did eventually
madchick: i didnt want to run
madchick: its one of those freakin half bathrooms
Haceem: good thing you didn't have diarrhea
Haceem: hahahaha half bathroom...
madchick: oh god
madchick: i would have burned the dam thing down
Haceem: hahhahahaha
madchick: and pretend like it was an accident
Haceem: you would've probably used the vacuum cleaner...
Haceem: hahahhahaha
madchick: so i always make the flush works
Haceem: to vacuum the whole thing and burn the vacuum cleaner
madchick: when i have to take a dump at anyones house
madchick: thats so gross
Haceem: you know what you should do..if it happens again next time
Haceem: you should get a glass or cup..or a pot
Haceem: fill it with water and just start pouring water to the toilet
Haceem: it'll slowly flush it down the toilet
Haceem: it takes time
madchick: lol thanks
Haceem: but at least you won't have to pick up your own crap and toss it in the trash can......awwcchhhhh arrgghh
madchick: can we stop talking abt this sitty experience ?
madchick: shitty*
madchick: literally shitty
madchick: lol
Haceem: i'm gonna have to copy and paste this convo on my blog
Haceem: hahahahhaha
Haceem: it's too funny
madchick: NOway
madchick: imma kill you
madchick: so gross
Haceem: it's funny!!
Haceem: hahahhahaha..
madchick: u betetr not be posting it up
madchick: lol
madchick: ill kill u
Haceem: hahahhahaha
Haceem: well let me think about it
madchick: lol
madchick: no thinking
Haceem: :-D heh heh heh....
Haceem: i'm soo tempted to post it
Haceem: seriously
madchick: dude
Haceem: what
madchick: the only reason i told u is because u wont tell me what happened
madchick: not so that u can post it up
madchick: so no
Haceem: did it smell?
madchick: i closed my nose
madchick: lol
madchick: its shit for godsake
Haceem: how did it feel?
madchick: and doesnt matter if its asian shit
Haceem: you never answered my question
madchick: still stinks
Haceem: hahhahaha
madchick: its mushy i guess
Haceem: i bet it smelled like curry!
Haceem: was it dark brown? or light yellow? or just yellow?
madchick: i dont remember
Haceem: well try to remember
Haceem: it's very important
madchick: lol not
Haceem: hahahhaa

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